New QTeQ’s PRL

A new paper has been published in Phys. Rev. Lett. as a collaboration between the University of Trieste, University of Southampton, and QTeQ.
A non-interferometric method, entirely based on the modifications experienced by the massive oscillating mirror of an optomechanical cavity, has been proposed by Mohammad Bahrami, Angelo Bassi, Hendrik Ulbricht, and Mauro to study possible corrections to Schroedinger equations embodied by the so-called Continuous Spontaneous Localization model.

Details of the work can be found in

M. Bahrami, M. Paternostro, A. Bassi, and H. Ulbricht, Proposal for a Noninterferometric Test of Collapse Models in Optomechanical Systems,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 210404 (2014)

The paper has been picked as an Editors’ Suggestion in Phys. Rev. Lett., which is the third time for QTeQ.

PRL hat-trick for QTeQ members

Double success in April for QTeQ: Alessandro, Andre’, and Mauro managed to publish two separate research papers in the prestigious pages of Phys Rev Lett. In

Phys Rev Lett 112, 133604 (2014)

Andre’ and Mauro, together with research collaborators from Aarhus, Innsbruck, and Strasbourg, study phonon dynamics in a multi-element optomechanical system, paving the way to the exploration of many-body physics and coherent excitation transport in artificial optomechanical nanostructures. In

Phys Rev Lett 112, 133605 (2014)

Alessandro proposes a way to gain access to the field contained within a high-quality resonator without affecting the state of the radiation initially contained in it, keeping an eye on the experimental feasibility of the proposal. The work is the result of the ongoing collaboration between Alessandro and researchers at Imperial College London and University College London.

Ruari awarded an STSM from COST Action MP1209

Ruari McCloskey has been awarded 2.5k Euros from the COST Action MP1209 “Thermodynamics at the quantum limit” to cover a 10-day research visit to the group led by prof. G. Massimo Palma at Universita’ di Palermo. Ruari will work on collision-based models for system-environment interaction.

We are sure Ruari is enjoying the local folklore and the food!

Kick-off Meeting of project TherMiQ on its way!

The kick-off meeting of the EU Collaborative project TherMiQ, which is coordinated and managed by Mauro and Gabriele and puts together 7 world-leading teams interested in the thermodynamics of quantum systems, will be held in Belfast on the 20 and 21 March 2014.

Project partners and research collaborators will join QTeQ’s members for a two-day event of talks, discussions, and social interactions. If you’re interested in some of the details, check the poster of the meeting. Further info at thw project’s website

QTeQ’s review paper on hybrid optomechanics

A review paper on the activity of the group (and collaborators) in the field of hybrid quantum optomechanics has appeared last week on the Arxiv:

B. Rogers, N. Lo Gullo, G. De Chiara, G. M. Palma, and M. Paternostro, “Hybrid Optomechanics for quantum technologies”, arXiv:1402.1195

The paper showcases the contributions given to the emerging field of hybrid optomechanics with the proposal of BEC-enhanced optomechanical devices, the use of optimal control techniques for the steering of the dynamics of mechanical systems, and the engineering of non-classical mechanical states by means of spin-mediated mechanisms.

This is an invited submission to the new journal “Quantum Measurements and Quantum Metrology“, which will be open-access for the whole 2014. We hope that this review will be a useful tool for anyone intending to approach this area.

Andre’ makes it on the pages of The Sunday Times of Malta

Andre’ Xuereb has been very recently interviewed by the Sunday Times of Malta. He discussed his research in optomechanics (including what he works on with some of the QTeQ members) and how it can be used to make a difference to the world by enabling direct light-light interfaces.

The interview, which obviously does not lack of the witty sense of humour of Andre’, is available at this link (unfortunately, there’s a paywall…). Way to go, Andre’!

Congrats to Gareth on his viva

Today, Gareth Cochrane passed successfully his viva with only minor corrections to his thesis.

Congratulations to Dr. Gareth, who will take a position as analyst at the Royal Bank of Scotland! Congratulations to Gareth (and Jim) on this success.

PRL paper by QTeQ picked as “Editors’ Suggestion” and featured in “Physics Viewpoint”

Margherita Zuppardo, long-term visitor of QTeQ, and Mauro Paternostro have published a research paper in the prestigious Phys. Rev. Lett. reporting the results of an international collaboration with University of Queensland and Nanyang Technological University of Singapore! The paper, which addresses the issue of distributing entanglement without the use of such a precious resource, has been picked as an “Editors’ Suggestion” by the Editors of Phys. Rev. Lett. and featured in a “Physics Viewpoint” article authored by Prof. Christine Silberhorn (University of Paderborn). Details of the work can be found at

A. Fedrizzi, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 230504 (2013)

The Viewpoint commentary by Prof. Silberhorn can be found at

Ch. Silberhorn, Physics 6, 132 (2013)

PRL Editor Robert Garisto tweets about it as well.

The papers are free to read. Way to go, Margherita!!

Tony has a new paper!

Tony Apollaro has just published a paper in collaboration with Universita’ della Calabria, Universita’ di Firenze and Mauro at QTeQ. The paper, which deals with a strategy to effectively achieve a cut in an interacting spin-ring, digs deep into the statistical mechanics features of the system being addressed and shows that the behaviour of quantum correlations across the ring could be a faithful indicator of the cut.

Details on this work are found in

T. J. G. Apollaro, F. Plastina, L. Banchi, A. Cuccoli, R. Vaia, P. Verrucchi, M. Paternostro, Physical Review A 88, 052336 (2013)