AMA3001 Electromagnetic Theory


Normally, most of the teaching resources (notes, homework problems sheets, solutions to examples and homework problems, and solutions to a small number of past exam papers) are provided through Queen's Online.

However, AMA3001 has been suspended for 2018-2019. On the other hand, there may well be Level 3 students who are interested in this challenging but rewarding, stimulating and highly mathematical module. It is with these students in mind, that I provide a full set of teaching resources for this module on this webpage.

In particular, if you are studying PHY3004 Advanced Electromagnetism and Optics because AMA3001 Electromagnetic Theory is not available, this webpage will show you what AMA3001 is about. In fact, you can use these resources to study AMA3001 on your own, to satisfy your personal curiosity and advance your knowldege, or support your learning of electromagnetism in other modules.

If you have any queries about these materials, or spot errors or typos in the notes, problems sheets or solutions, or simply want some help in learning Electromagneitic Theory, simply get in touch with me.

Gleb Gribakin

Old Physics Building, room 01.018, email:, webpage

Lecture notes

These are the lecture notes for the module, as it was delivered in 2017-2018.

Problem sheets

Solutions to homework problems

Past exam papers

These can be found by looking for the module AMA3001 in the drop-down menus on the Library Examination papers webpage.
